Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stay Tuned

Your regular blogging programming will return shortly after the writer's strike ends. Stay tuned for "Living the Good Life" - a tale of the spring break phenom, "Seeing New Colors" - the transitional update of what goes on after seeing only pink for a few weeks, and "Yes, She Defies Gravity" - a fabulous coming-of-age story. Now back to the hum-drum writer's strike talks. Contracts should be signed within the week...


Juliann said...

STAYING TUNED!!!! Yep, staying tuned to blogs, but not to studying. Ugh!

Juliann said...

Oh and I am trilled to see what you have to say. Love you!

Lauren said...

I am especially excited for "Yes, She Defies Gravity" because I have no clue what it could be about. Seriously, this long without any Jaclyn blogs is just sad for all your faithful followers.