The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by
Mary Ann Shaffer
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
December 14, 2018
I am a rereader. I can't help but come back to visit stories that I love. I picked up this book again because of the movie that came out this past summer. The book is just as wonderful as my first time through. I love the characters, the island, the epistolary format. My hours reading this book were like getting a birds eye view of one of the Society's meetings. The book makes me want to write, to hug the people I love, and to live with more fervor. Absolutely worth a read if you haven't yet-
Happy reading and potato peel pie eating--
ps. If you haven't watched the movie yet, it's really well done. The story changes quite a bit, but the core is the same. Lily James and Michiel Huisman are perfect as Juliet and Dawsey, not to mention the rest of the cast.
December 25, 2008
This book about reading, writing, loving, losing, and finding hope after losing so much, surprised me both in its simplicity and ability to capture candid conversation. It's rare the books written as a series of letters make you feel like you are getting all the detail you want about the character, but "The Guernsey" succeeds. I know I gravitate towards WWII era fiction, but I think this book transcends traditional historical fiction. I hesitate to use the word "delightful" - but it's the only word that comes to mind. I picked this book up and was entranced immediately--