Wednesday, January 5, 2022

State of Terror

State of TerrorState of Terror by Hillary Rodham Clinton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

What a strange pairing: Louise Penny and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Because it was Louise Penny though, I had to read this book. The short version is that I was totally hooked by the story and the conflict from the beginning. However, the not-so-veiled references to the previous presidential administration in the book were SO heavy handed. I think he-who-must-not-named is practically the antichrist, but it was borderline ridiculous that some of the commentary didn't get edited out. It honestly distracted from their otherwise clever story. The other strange thing in the book was the random inclusion of Three Pines and Armand Gamache. You know that I love the Gamache books, but he didn't belong in this book. These sections might have read better to someone who didn't know who Gamache was. All that to say, I'd actually recommend the book if you're a high volume reader and/or you enjoy political thrillers. It was smart and fast paced and would make a great movie or mini-series.

Happy reading-

ps. 3.5 stars...I debated rounding up because I read this book so quickly, but the aforementioned issues really were frustrating.

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