Woke up around 7:15, decided to go to back to sleep. Got up at 8:30 wishing I had gotten up at 7:15 because I had bizarre dreams in that last hour. Had a leisurely breakfast of fresh strawberries in milk while I pretended to read the whole paper, but actually only read about Federer's tennis match, the upcoming American Idol tour (going on Saturday!), and the baseball all-star picks. Wished Jenessa luck on her driver's test. Then checked my personal email, my school email, read more about Federer and Roddick, and checked facebook. Then wrote a recommendation letter for one of my students who is working on his Eagle project. Measured the amount of pain I had in my left foot and debated whether I wanted to go to the doctor. Wished I could go for a bike ride. Finished my letter to my students that will be sent with letters they wrote to themselves when they graduate. Got back in bed and finished "The Time Traveler's Wife" and read a text from my mom saying JENESSA PASSED HER DRIVER'S TEST. Pretended to care about what I looked like and got ready for the day while listening to the 6th Harry Potter (cannot wait for the movie next week!). Went to lunch with my mom and Jenessa at Chili's to celebrate her new found freedom (she already drove on the freeway twice-- something I was definitely not allowed to do when I first got my license). Cleaned out Jenessa's closet with her and laughed about old clothing choices. Spent two and a half hours at Urgent Care to get my left foot looked at. Essentially self diagnosed myself (strained, possibly sprained left foot - stay off of it, ice it, blah, blah, blah) but at least I got to read a big chunk of Kristin Chenoweth's memoir while waiting. Got home and read Ryan's recent letters. Talked on the phone with Rachel and postponed plans to work on her wedding to do's (so excited for her). Chatted more with mom and Jenessa. Ate dinner with them while watching America's Next Top Model (we love Karidee even if she was crazy). Finished Kristin Chenoweth's book. Burned school papers and old college textbooks in the annual Hutchins burning party (yes, that's what we did for FHE). Put my feet in the pool with Jenessa and had girl talk. Looked through my Netflix queue and watched the British version of "The Office" (we really did get our entire show from them, but our Pam and Jim are so much better). Picked up another book and....
Rough day, I know. I spent time with people I love, read good books, burned things. Throw in the fact that there was diet coke involved and gorgeous weather, and all in all, it was a pretty perfect Monday. That's my summer folks. It's a great life.
(not exactly in order, but you get the idea of our fabulous burn party...when I was in high school I prematurely had my burn party Memorial Day weekend and burned a binder of notes that I needed for finals in June...oops!)
Glad summer is what it is suppose to be for you (except for the foot issue). The burning party looks like it was fun. I need to call you and find out what day we are doing our hp marathon.
I am always happy when you blog. And burn things.
even on a non-manic day- you are well rounded... reading good books and burning not so intriguing ones. bummer with the foot! must have been aggravated with the walk-a-thon. and this is random, but I never noticed the bead board on the ceiling in your house. or is that outside? wherever it is- I love it!! thanks always for your blog comments! I love you!
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