A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I know Jost as an SNL writer and host of Weekend Update, which has consistently been my favorite part of SNL since I was a teenager. The book was so funny at the beginning that I was laughing out loud over and over again and texting people that they had to pick this up. I can't say that I loved the reading experience of the second half as much as I loved the first half, but Jost is smart and very clever. He just goes off the rails sometimes (I'm talking especially about his section about crapping his pants...TMI in the extreme). If you're looking for a light read though, this fits the bill. However, it is not a kid-friendly book, so it's an Airpod only type of listen if you're doing audio.
Happy reading and happy laughing--
ps. Who would have guessed that Jost went to Harvard?! Also, his mom's ties to 9/11 as well as the fact that he is engaged to Scarlett Johansson made reading portions of this book like reading a better written celebrity magazine...something my inner teenager wishes I still read.
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