Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two Years

A few years ago, I was crowned the Princess of Useless Information - a title that I gladly wore since it was bequeathed upon me by my extended family who crowned my aunt the Queen. Part of that repository of information includes an odd fascination for dates - not all of which are useless (love knowing people's special days). I can tell you when random things happened in history or in other people's lives. I can tell you my hairdresser's anniversary or what day my brother graduated from high school.
Today is one of those random days that I can't seem to shake out of my head - two years ago I was in my first car accident. A simple rear-ending on Highway 189 as I got to the US-40 junction in Heber. Seems like a trivial thing to mark time with, but my life has not been the same since. There are so many reasons why that day is significant - why the days that followed have become a classic anecdote that my students love (first time I told it, the word "ho" slipped in when I was talking about the other driver - you can imagine the reaction with a bunch of 16-year-olds and my flushed face...). That day was the beginning of thousands of dollars dedicated to fixing all that was "shaken" out of place - it also was the beginning of a learning experience that I am still very much a part of. Being in that accident and the one that followed all too quickly six weeks later has tested my trust in the Lord and tested my ability to let things go. And much to my chagrin, I don't think it will be over soon. Somehow, that's okay though. I lived to the tell the tale, right? And now I understand one more thing that other people go through, and I can be there for them when it's hard to get behind the wheel or go to sleep at night because all you hear is crunching metal and screeching tires. Besides, I still have a lot to learn before the Queen passes on her title. Can't wait to mark more time - to see what adventures and "important dates" life has in store....


Lauren said...

You rock my world Jaclyn Hutchins.

Rachel said...

Oh the car accidents...funny how they change your life. I'm glad you remember so many dates. It is just one of the many things that make you a very good friend.

Natty bee Seely said...

I started reading this entry and thought I wonder if jaclyn knows my anniversary? Such a random thought, and then I read on and was pleasantly surprised to find out that you do. Why do you? Is it because of the great party we put on that you were in attendance? Or you just love to think of a beautiful day that I had some 9 years ago?
Random....the word verification is italian.