Friday, May 31, 2019

The Huntress

The HuntressThe Huntress by Kate Quinn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love books that take us places we haven't been before. Though "The Huntress" is historical fiction, it does not cover the same time periods and story lines we've read before. I loved everything from the title on through the characters Quinn created. Her repeated motif of lakes, dreams, and father-child relationships linked four very unlikely characters to each other in a way that culminated brilliantly in the end.

This book is probably a 4.5 stars for me, but some of the love affair details seemed forced and even unnecessary to me. Also, since it's a book that often takes place in a war zone, the language is rough.

All in all, very well told. I hope The Huntress gets picked up for a mini-series on Hulu or Prime. It would be perfect in that medium--

Happy reading and maybe, just maybe, stay away from the lake--

(Book 52 - 2019)

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