Wednesday, August 15, 2012

York & Burghley House - Day Twelve

We took a ridiculously boring tour through York. Can't say we finished it, but we did see the Roman ruins from many moons ago.
This used to be a hospital. Can't you tell from my pose? (Don't judge. When you've taken as many pictures as we had, you can't just smile anymore. Plus I had no Jenessa to bounce my excess energy off of.)
We slipped away from the tour after looking at this abandoned church and ran to the cutest cafe called Betty's...where I would take cooking classes if I lived in the area. The girls who served were dressed in period outfits and had their hair up like Anne of Green Gables. Throw in the petit fours and tarts, and I was perfectly content.
On a whim, we decided to try and make it to Burghley House before it closed. This is also one of the residences of a duke and duchess. It also was featured in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice as Lady Catherine De Bourgh's house. We only had a few minutes to rush through, but it was incredible and so, so grand.
Then, as luck would have it, the Olympic torch was on its way through town....right past us. How convenient.
SO, so many pictures
While we waited for the torch, we got wet and made friends with the locals. The girl in the pink jumpsuit on the left side of the street and her little brother in navy were so fun to watch. They were darling and so stereotypically British - I wanted to take them with me as souvenirs. 
Torch coming into Burghley and leaving - doesn't look that exciting, but there was a palpable excitement in the air.
What do you think? Could option as a vacation home?
Maybe Branson is inside?
[DARCY was here.] 
And just like that, our trip was over. We left Burghley House, found dinner, and drove to our hotel outside Heathrow airport. When I went to bed that night, I couldn't believe that it was already time to go...and without my Jenessa. Good thing I was headed to Louisiana to party it up with Jewels and the babies....

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