Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fab Five

 Before these darling girls were the fab five, (love them by the way - so glad I'm not working during the Olympics)
these girls were the fab five...or that's at least how we referred to ourselves starting our freshmen year. I know the picture isn't the greatest (we were about to watch Phantom in San Francisco), but I was thinking of these girls this week and how lucky I was to have them as friends as I began figuring out life. From left to right it's Juri, Jennifer, Cassey, Lorraine, and myself. Love them and all our memories of crazy antics and endless hours spent laughing and talking about high school drama.

1 comment:

Brett, Juliann, and Mae said...

I remember you girls so much at this age. You girls (especially Cassey) were the coolest!