Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gloucester Cathedral & Stourhead - Day Five, Part One

 Gloucester Cathedral is everything you'd expect from a European Gothic cathedral - vaulted ceilings, amazing stained glass, dark alcoves.... Inside it feels both holy and ominous - perhaps the pounding rain had something to do with the ominous feeling. Gloucester has a rich history...not to mention the fact that they filmed scenes from Harry Potter here. Surprisingly enough, we didn't know that when we chose it as a place to visit.

Stourhead and its grounds look like they are straight out of a Jane Austen movie, but inside the house, it's more modern (if modern is the late 1890s, early 1900s).  I got in trouble twice in this house - once for standing on a two hundred year old carpet and once for using a flash (which didn't really do much for having a good tone to the picture). Oops.
The inspiration for coming to Stourhead was Pride & Prejudice. This picture is just a teaser of what's to come in the next post....

ps. I'm just learning how to make the collages, and I'm not sure how to have my blog let me have a wider layout so click on them for a better look.

1 comment:

Juliann said...

I am loving all these England posts! You are one lucky sister friend to go there. Wish I could have been there!