Thursday, July 28, 2011

Breaking Arizona News Interruption

In the midst of our European reporting, we have failed to inform you of a very important event coming out of Arizona. Cameron Hutchins, 20, of Alamo, California recently completed his time in the Arizona wilderness through the Anasazi Foundation. Cameron has just over a week left in Arizona to wrap up his biofeedback sessions, and then he'll be back in the Bay. We can't wait to have him (and our mom!) home!!

Mr. C definitely became a mountain man after six weeks of roughing it. No facilities, no stoves, very few tools - if he wanted a fire, he had to use sticks to get a spark going. Hence why the picture of Cameron eating his first meal out of camp was so exciting. Welcome back C - we missed you!!


Laurel said...

My little brother did Anasazi--such a cool program. And it makes for some great stories too. :)

Charlotte May Hutchins said...

We are so excited to be coming home next weekend. This Arizona adventure has been amazing and a wonderful blessing even though we have been so far away from home! Love and miss you!